I thought it was well overdue for a post. I am planning on building up a portfolio to have as a point of reference. I would like to start painting for commission. I don't have a business model or a pricing schedule set yet, mostly because i don't know how much to charge. I am still in the practice for free stage i think mostly.
Next up is the hell hound. I haven't named it yet, but i got the first layer of paint done. The dozer blade and the front sponson weapon is magnetized so that they can be brought or left at home.
This was the first mini that i painted for someone else. It is a reaper mini that a guy at work had me repair. After i repaired it i thought it should be painted.
Here is my eVladmir. The new warcaster that i am trying. He is pretty ridiculous as well as the size of his shoulder armor.
Close up of the detail of Vlad's sword. The Dark Prince indeed.